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Jupyter-flex: Dashboards for Jupyter


  • Use markdown headers and Jupyter Notebook cell tags to define the dashboard components
  • Flexible way to specify row and column based layouts
  • Use nbconvert to create static reports
  • Use Voila to have a live kernel backing dashboard computations
  • Support for Jupyter widgets


$ pip install jupyter-flex


The Getting started page goes through the basic steps of taking a Jupyter Notebook and creating your first Jupyter-flex dashboard, explains base concepts such as layouts, document orientation and explains how to use nbconvert to generate a static .html dashboards.

The Layouts page goes in depth about all the options to control the content of Jupyter-flex dashboards.

The Plotting page goes through some considerations around different plotting libraries in Jupyter-flex dashboards.

The Voila and Jupyter widgets page describes how to create dashboards that use a Jupyter kernel for dashboards that require realtime computation and how to use Jupyter widgets.



Source for all examples can be found on Github.

Apps developed using Jupyter-flex

  • Investment Flow Type Classification: App - Source
  • John Hunter - Excellence in Plotting Context: App - Source